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Many things cause flatulence (bowel gas). Certain chemical processes in the colon produce various gases as byproducts of normal bowel function. Some such as carbon dioxide, are odourless, while others such as hydrogen sulphide, are very odorous for instance can cause gaseous products to become trapped. Trapped bowel gases can result in extreme pressure,which can manifest as distention and/or pain. Getting the gas out completely is almost an impossibility, because diet and lifestyle seldom can be modified to the extent necessary to accomplish this task. However with proper attention to diet, gas can be reduced so that it will cause little disturbance, distress, or social embarrassment.
Reducing gas in the bowel nearly always means making a change in the diet. If you suffer from gas problems, find out whether any specific foods are a cause. Eliminate these foods from your diet, or consume them in limited quantities along with foods that are not gas-producing. Some foods can cause a lot of gas in some people and little or none in others.

Beans and other legumes can tend to cause a lot of gas because of certain indigestible sugars in the starch. These sugars (stachyose, vebascose, and raffinose) arrive intact in the lower intestine, where bacteria digest them, releasing the byproducts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and sometimes methane. Other foods that are naturally gas-forming include the sulphur foods such as broccoli, cabbage,brussel sprouts and onions.

Pay attention to gas pain, understand the cause of it, then alleviate it properly.

 Gas is usually caused by:

* Improper food combinations. Major violations are combining fruits with complex carbohydrates and complex carbs with protein.

* Drinking fluids with meals dilutes the digestive enzymes.

* Fast and thoughtless eating without chewing properly.

* Excessive fat and protein retard digestion and cause putrefaction.

* Overeating.

* Accumulation of waste in the system, slow transit, constipation.

* Lactose intolerance or the inability to digest milk based sugars.

* Allergies.

* Candida.

* Carbohydrate indigestion or inability to break down complex sugars and starches.

* Excess pathogenic bacteria and yeast which feed on undigested food particles.

* Insufficient digestive secretions from the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach and small intestines hence endocrine imbalance.

* Insufficient exercise therefore lack of tone in the abdominal muscles. Exercise stimulates peristalsis (muscle motion) and circulation in the intestinal tract and digestive organs.

* Stress causes shutdown of the alimentary tract.

* Chewing Gum. Why not go to the local garage and put the air line in your mouth?

Suggestions for Alleviating Gas

* Use herbs, digestive enzymes, or charcoal. Remember charcoal or bentonite will also pull out the good metals and minerals so use with discretion. If used over time, supplement with rich minerals from ocean and lake algae, and land grasses like wheat and barley.

* Exercise with yoga, swimming, and walking.

* Practice breathing exercises.

* Meditate.

* Massage the abdomen.

* Take colon hydrotherapy treatments.

* Fast. One of Gandhi's dietary rules is to abstain from eating when in pain.

* Take a hot bath.

* Avoid complex sugars and starches. 

Some herbs from the Colonic Kitchen for GETTING OUT THE GAS ! 

: a tea brewed from the crushed seeds can relieve digestive disorders and cramps.

BASIL: from the Greek word for king, is an effective remedy for a variety of digestive disorders, including stomach cramps, vomiting, and constipation.

CARAWAY: soothing for gas and other stomach disorders. Toss a few seeds in your next soup or stew.

CARDAMOM: a standard ingredient of curry. It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves metabolism, and even helps relieve gas. A doctor friend says the hot, stinging sensation that follows biting into a chile pepper triggers the release of endorphins (chemicals which relieve pain and cause a mild euphoria). Euphoria salsa, extra hot, please!

CELERY: has a calming effect of the digestive system, relieving gas and indigestion. Try a pint juiced.

DILL: best known as a digestive aid and remedy for a sour, gassy stomach.

FENNEL: similar in taste to ANISE, is used to relieve gas, too. It's sold fresh in some supermarkets and can be juiced or chopped into salads.

GARLIC: a powerful digestive aid and gas reliever. It's an antibiotic and works on the pathogenic bacteria.

GINGER: a time-proven remedy for upset stomach, indigestion and cramps. Fresh ginger and orange juice are the basis for the oriental sweet and sour sauce and salad dressings.

OLIVE OIL: an excellent laxative, and it stimulates the production of liver bile.

PAPAYA: breaks down and metabolises protein and relieves indigestion.

PARSLEY: a natural antispasmodic which helps to settle the stomach after a meal. It's great juiced with carrot, or minced in salads.

PEPPERMINT: lessens the amount of time food spends in the stomach by stimulating the gastric lining. It also releases the intestinal muscles. It's effective for stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

TURMERIC: essential to the foods of India, especially curry. 3000 years ago Indian healers used it to treat obesity. It stimulates the flow of bile from the liver, which breaks down dietary fats. In Asia, it was used to treat stomach disorders and liver-related ailment. Modern research shows that it protects against gallbladder disease.

THYME: Culpepper, one of our earliest herbalists, said, "When taken internally, thyme comforts the stomach much, and expels wind."  


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The Annex
28 Brunswick Square
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01452 521777
Email Mandy Parker









